Author: Chris Ring

  • 13

    Becoming a Tyre Sealant Distributor – what you need to know

    One of the many fanciful aspects of other tyre sealant websites is the hyperbole that they use when claiming to be major international vendors. Can you really believe them? Er, usually no… Flags of convenience If you are suspicious about such claims, you are right to be. Whenever we...

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  • 12

    OKO’s new Distributor sets up shop…

    In the OKO Blog column, we like to feature stories from our Distributors around the world – and mostly it is about their successes in winning new business from vehicle fleets, or notable exhibition appearances.   In this case we have a new Distributor in South West Africa that...

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  • 01

    A New Online Look for OKO

      If you are reading this article from the website, then welcome to the new look!   It is of course an organic change to our previous design, rather than a complete departure – but when something is working so well, then why change a winning formula? Since...

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