Category: HGVs, Trucks, Coaches & Trailers

  • 04

    OKO 2015: online and on the move

    As the year draws to a close and we carry out our obligatory look back at the highlights, it is clear that OKO has enjoyed another record sales year and that is due in no small part to the digital advances that we have made.   OKO is primarily...

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  • 13

    Becoming a Tyre Sealant Distributor – what you need to know

    One of the many fanciful aspects of other tyre sealant websites is the hyperbole that they use when claiming to be major international vendors. Can you really believe them? Er, usually no… Flags of convenience If you are suspicious about such claims, you are right to be. Whenever we...

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  • 05

    OKO – Do You Really Need a Reason to Believe?

    When you’ve worked long enough with OKO tyre sealants, and experienced the never-ending insistence by potential clients on local tests to ‘prove that it works’, it can be extremely frustrating. How much proof is enough proof?

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  • 29

    OKO tyre sealants thrive in 2014

    Looking back, as is only right at the turning of the year, it has been a hectic one for OKO Group in its international growth as the manufacturer of the ‘world’s favorite tyre sealants’. Here are just some quick snapshots of 2014’s highlights.

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  • 29

    Major event for OKO and Jaspa in UAE

    I was recently privileged to be invited to the official launch of OKO’s new distributor for UAE and Oman, Jaspa. Although this was the first media appearance of the OKO/Jaspa liaison, it has in practice been developing for about a year. Jaspa has been extremely professional, insisting upon exhaustively testing...

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  • 29

    Hatractor Attractor – OKO makes a big Expo hit

    The new OKO Israeli Distributors, Musach Hatractor Ezra, recently exhibited at the Technocar Vehicle Exhibition in Tel Aviv, and it was a great success for them, generating a lot of interest and many firm enquiries. Inevitably, the revolving wheel/tyre, endlessly punctured with a spike by the stand staff and...

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  • 30

    Keeping the Home Tyres Turning…

    While we at OKO Global have been jetting around the world visiting and supporting our ever-growing network of Distributors (it’s a dirty job sealing tyres, but someone’s got to do it), it is possible that we have not beaten the drum sufficiently for the home team – represented by...

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  • 27

    Polish Expo Drives New Sales

    OKO’s Summer of Expos began early on May 14-16 at Autostrada Polska, where our new National Distributors, OKO Group Polska, exhibited and had a fantastic reaction from vehicle users.

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  • 17

    OKO Welcomes You in 2014

    Happy New Year to all of our OKO customers, and it already looks like being a successful year for the ever-increasing ranks of International OKO Puncture Free Distributors. Welcome to our newest distribution partners in Bahrain, Chile, Israel, Italy, Poland, the UAE and the USA – and others who...

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  • 11

    OKO in Refuse Truck tires – results you cannot refuse

      Worldwide, the OKO coverage continues to grow rapidly.   For example, our very active Central and South American distributors are winning over more and more vehicle fleet owners to the compelling savings that they can make in terms of downtime and overall tire costs, by using OKO tire sealants. In...

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